आघुनिक बिहार के निर्माता डा. श्री कृष्ण सिंह स्वतंत्रता-संग्राम के अग्रगण्य सेनानियों में से रहे है । इनका का सम्पूर्ण जीवन राष्ट्र एवं जन-सेवा के लिये समर्पित था । स्वाधीनता की प्राप्ति के बाद बिहार के नवनिर्माण के लिए उन्होंने जो कुछ किया उसके लिए बिहारवासी सदा उनके ऋणी रहेंगे । राजनीतिक जीवन के दुर्धर्ष संघर्ष में निरन्तर संलग्न रहने पर भी जिस स्वाभाविकता और गम्भीरता के साथ वे अपने उत्तरदायित्वों का निर्वहन करते थे वह आज के युग मे अत्यन्त दुर्लभ है । सत्य और अहिंसा के सिद्धांत में उनकी आस्था अटल थी ।
बिहार केसरी डा. श्री कृष्ण सिंह का जन्म 21 अक्टूबर 1887 ई. (तद्नुसार कार्तिक शुक्ल पंचमी संवत् 1941 वि.) को उनके ननिहाल वर्तमान नवादा जिला के नरहट थाना अन्तर्गत खनवाँ ग्राम के एक संभ्रांत एवं धर्मपरायण भूमिहार ब्राहाण परिवार में हुआ था । उनके पूज्य पिता का नाम श्री हरिहर सिंह था ।
बचपन से ही श्रीबाबू में संकल्प-दृढ़ता स्वाभिमान एवं ज्ञानार्जण के प्रति अभिरूचि आदि गुणों का आभास होने लगा था । जिसका सम्यक विकास आगे चल कर हुआ । डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह के प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा अपने गाँव कि प्राइमरी पाठशाला में हुई और छात्रवृति पाकर आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए वे जिला स्कूल, मुगेंर, में भर्त्ती हुए । सन् 19.6 ई. में इण्ट्रेंस की परीक्षा प्रथम श्रेणी में पास कर वे पटना कालेज के छात्र बने । कालक्रम से आपने 1913 में एम.ए. की डिग्री तथा 1914 ई. में बी. एल. की डिग्री कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय से प्राप्त की ।</p>
अपने युग के अन्य मेधावी छात्रों से सर्वथा भिन्न श्रीबाबू की मनोवृति प्रारम्भ से ही सरकारी नौकरी के प्रतिकूल थी । अतः शिक्षा समाप्ति के बाद अपने मुगेंर मे वकालत शुरू की । कुछ ही दिनों में आपकी वकालत चमक उठी । विद्यार्थी जीवन से ही डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह राष्ट्र एवं समाज सेवा की ओर प्रवृत हुए उन बंगभंग एव स्वदेशी आंदोलन आदि तत्कालीन राजनीतिक आंदोलनों का कापफी प्रभाव पड़ा । वे प्रारम्भ से ही लोकमान्य बाल गंगाधर तिलक तथा श्री अरविन्द के विचारों से प्रभावित थे । अतः अपने छात्र जीवन से ही वे एक जननेता के रूप में बिहार के राजनीतिक क्षितिज पर प्रकट हो चुके थे ।
राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी से डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह की पहली व्यक्तिगत भेंट सन् 1911 ई. में हुई और उसके बाद ही उनकी जीवन-यात्रा में एक नया मोड़ आया और वे महात्मा गाँधी के कट्टर अनुयायी बन गये । उत्कृष्ट वाग्मिता का वरदान डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह को प्रारम्भ से ही प्राप्त था और अपने इसी सिंह गर्जन के लिए बिहार केसरी की सम्मानपूर्ण संज्ञा से विभूषित हुए । डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह ने पहली जेल यात्रा सन् 1911 ई. में ब्रिटेन के युवराज प्रिन्स ऑफ वेल्स की भारत-यात्रा के बहिष्कार-आंदोलन के क्रम में की थी । मार्च, 1911 ई. में विजयवाड़ा कांग्रेस के निर्णयानुसार तिलक स्वराज्य फंड के लिए एक करोड़ रूपया एकत्र करने का जब निश्चय किया गया तो बिहार प्रान्तीय कांग्रेस समिति द्वारा निर्मित तिलक स्वराज्य फंड के डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह संयोजक बनाये गये ।
अपनी अद्भुत कर्मठता, उदारता एवं प्रखर राजनीतिक सूझ-बूझ के धनी डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह सन् 1917 ई. में लेजिस्लेटिव कौंसिल और सन् 1934 ई. में केन्द्रीय एसेम्बली के सदस्य चुने गये । सन् 1931 ई. का भारतीय संविधान जब 1 अप्रैल 1937 से लागू हुआ तो डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह के प्रधान मंत्रित्व से ही बिहार में स्वायत्त शासन का श्रीगणेश हुआ । वे ही बिहार के एक ऐसे वरेण्य कालपुरूष थे जो जीवन के अंतिम घड़ी (31 जनवरी 1961) तक बिहार के मुख्य मंत्री के सम्मानित पद पर बने रहे । बीच में 1938 में अंडमान निकोबार में राजनीतिक कैदियों को छोडे़ जाने के प्रश्न पर ब्रिटिश सरकार से मतभेद के कारण पद-त्याग किया था । पुनः एक बार 1939 मे कांग्रेस के निदेशानुसार ब्रिटेन की नीति के विरोध में त्याग-पत्र दिया था । </p>
श्रीकृष्ण बाबू स्निग्धा और उदार भावनाओं के मूर्तिमान प्रतीक थे । दूसरों के कष्ट को देखकर द्रवित होना और मार्मिक दृश्यों के आघात से फूट पड़ना उनका सहज स्वभाव था । उनका हृदय निश्च्छल प्रेम और दया से परिपूर्ण था । उनका पुस्तक-प्र्रेम अलौकिक था और उनकी वाग्मिता सुविख्यात थी । उनकी प्रगाढ़ विद्वता से ही अनुप्रमाणित होकर पटना विश्वविद्यालय ने डॉक्टर ऑफ लॉ की उपाधिा से अलंकृत किया था । </p>
नव बिहार के निर्माता के रूप में बिहार केसरी डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह का उदात्त व्यक्तिगत, उनकी अप्रतिम कर्मठता एवं उनका अनुकरणीय त्याग़ बलिदान हमारे लिए एक अमूल्य धारोहर के समान है जो हमे सदा-सर्वदा राष्ट्रप्रेम एवं जन-सेवा के लिए अनुप्रेरित करता रहेगा । आज का विकासोन्मुख बिहार डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह जैसे महान शिल्पी की ही देन है जिन्होंने अपने कर्मठ एवं कुशल करो द्वारा राज्य की बहुमुखी विकास योजनाओं की आधारशिला रखी थी । बिहार हमेशा उनका ऋणी रहेगा। उन्होंने इस राज्य का लगभग 24 वर्षं तक (1 अप्रैल 1937 से 2..4.1946 तक प्रधान मंत्री एवं 2..4.1946 से 31.1.1961 तक मुख्य मंत्री ) प्रधानमंत्री एवं मुख्य मंत्री के रूप में सफलतापूर्वक दिशा-निर्देश किया था एवं इस राज्य के नव निर्माण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभायी थी ।
डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह ने अपनी बहुआयामी प्रतिभा, विराट व्यक्तित्व सेवा और साधानामय जीवन के कारण जो विराट यश और गौरव अर्जित किया था । वह उनके विशाल और विलक्षण व्यक्तित्व के सर्वथा अनुरूप था । श्रीबाबू अब हमारे बीच नही हैं किन्तु उनका संदेश उनकी विचारधाराएं] उनके उच्च आर्दश सदैव हमारा मार्ग दर्शन करते रहेंगे । उनका कहना था - आजाद होने के बाद हमें जो काम करना है वह निर्माणात्मक है । पहले हमें सिपर्फ जोश पैदा करना था और वह काम कुछ आसान था । आज हमें अपने देश के करोड़ों लोगों के नजदीक पहुँच कर उनके हृदय तथा मस्तिष्क को छूना है ताकि आज उनके भीतर देश के निर्माण में योग देनेवाली जो शक्ति कुंठित होकर बैठी है । वह जीवन को सुन्दर बनाने के लिए काम करने की उत्कट इच्छा के रूप में प्रवाहित हो सके ।
श्रीबाबू के विषय में भारत के महान विभूतियों के विचार
श्री बाबू एक महान वक्ता थे जहाँ भी वे भाषन करने को खड़े होते थे जनता प्रभावित हो उठती थी । देश के लिए बलिदान-भावना उनके व्यक्तित्व की विशेषता थी । - डॉ. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद
श्री बाबू का ज्ञान बड़े-से-बड़े पुस्तकालय की पुस्तकों में समाहित ज्ञान के समान था ।- जवाहर लाल नेहरू
वे अपने दिल की बातों को छिपाना तो जानते ही नही थे । तालाब के स्वच्छ पानी की तरह उनके हृदय में क्या भरा है साफ-साफ दिखाई पड़ता था । - संत विनोबा भावे
डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह देश की स्वतंत्रता के लिए संग्राम करने वाले वीर योद्धा आघुनिक बिहार के निर्माता तथा देश के एक प्रमुख नेता थे- डॉ. जाकिर हुसैन
श्री बाबू ने उस राज्य के लिए अपने को समर्पित कर दिया था] जिसके शासक थे । उनके तौर-तरीके उनकी बुद्धिमत्ता अपने राज्य के प्रति उनका स्नेह भाव किसी भी प्रशासन के लिये बहुमूल्य सिद्ध हो सकते थे । - डा. विधानचन्द्र राय
Basawon Singh (Sinha) greatest nationalists Freedom fighter
Basawon Singh (Sinha) has been among the greatest nationalists who joined the freedom struggle at the age of 13 and kept on his struggle for the independence of the country from the colonial yoke and fighting for the rights of the underprivileged, industrial labours and agricultural workers all throughout his life.
He had spent more than 16 years in prisons in British India fighting for India’s independence. He lived until the age of 80 years and died on April 7, 1989. After his Revolutionary activities in the initial phase of nationalist struggle, he remained committed to Democratic Socialism till the last day of his life. He along with Yogendra Shukla were among the founder members of Congress Socialist Party from Bihar
Basawon Singh (Sinha) was born in a poor family in Jamalpur (Subhai), Hajipur on March 23, 1909.He used to walk eight miles to go to the nearest school to get education. His formal education came to an abrupt end when he was rusticated from college in just after completing his matriculate because of joining the Nationalist Movement.
The Government of India issued a commemorative stamp in his name on 23/03/2000.There is an indoor stadium in his name in the city of Hajipur in Bihar.
सर गणेश दत्त सिंह (1868-1943)
सर गणेश दत्त सिंह (1868-1943) का जन्म नालंदा में हुआ था। वे कुशल प्रशासक एवं शिक्षाविद थे। उन्होंने स्वतंत्रता से पूर्व बिहार व उड़ीसा में शिक्षा एवं स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में काफी काम किया।
सर गणेश दत्त सिंह ने स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति से पूर्व 14 अप्रैल 1933 को नियमावली बनाकर 'सर गणेश दत्त ट्रस्ट फंड कोष' का गठन किया था। इसके लिए उन्होंने वर्ष 1923 से 1936 तक बिहार-उड़ीसा का मंत्री रहने के दौरान अपने वेतन चार हजार रुपए का तीन-चौथाई अंश जमा कर फंड के लिए धन संचित किया था।
इसके गठन के पीछे उनका उद्देश्य पटना विवि में अध्ययनरत वैसे छात्रों की मदद करना था, जिनकी अभिरुचि विज्ञान, तकनीकी और उद्योग संबंधी उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करने में थी, लेकिन निर्धनता आड़े आ रही थी।
पटना विवि को घर दे दिया था दान
सर गणेश दत्त सिंह, उन्होंने अपना घर 'कृष्णा कुंज' पटना विवि को दान में दे दिया था। इसी इमारत में आज 'इंस्टीट्यूट आफ साइकोलाजिकल रिसर्च एंड सर्विस' है। पूर्व न्यायाधीशों को पटना विवि के कुलपति के रूप में चुनने की परंपरा पर भी उनके प्रयास से ही विराम लगा।
सर गणेश दत्त सिंह ने स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति से पूर्व 14 अप्रैल 1933 को नियमावली बनाकर 'सर गणेश दत्त ट्रस्ट फंड कोष' का गठन किया था। इसके लिए उन्होंने वर्ष 1923 से 1936 तक बिहार-उड़ीसा का मंत्री रहने के दौरान अपने वेतन चार हजार रुपए का तीन-चौथाई अंश जमा कर फंड के लिए धन संचित किया था।
इसके गठन के पीछे उनका उद्देश्य पटना विवि में अध्ययनरत वैसे छात्रों की मदद करना था, जिनकी अभिरुचि विज्ञान, तकनीकी और उद्योग संबंधी उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करने में थी, लेकिन निर्धनता आड़े आ रही थी।
पटना विवि को घर दे दिया था दान
सर गणेश दत्त सिंह, उन्होंने अपना घर 'कृष्णा कुंज' पटना विवि को दान में दे दिया था। इसी इमारत में आज 'इंस्टीट्यूट आफ साइकोलाजिकल रिसर्च एंड सर्विस' है। पूर्व न्यायाधीशों को पटना विवि के कुलपति के रूप में चुनने की परंपरा पर भी उनके प्रयास से ही विराम लगा।
Sir Ganesh Dutt Singh - Indian freedom fighter, administrator and educationalist
Sir Ganesh Dutt Singh, shortly called Ganesh Dutt was an Indian freedom fighter, administrator and educationalist from Bihar.
In the pre-independent era, as an administrator he has given significant contributions to the improvisations of education and health services in the states of Bihar and Orissa. He was also a philanthropist who made generous donations from his earnings and personal property for the setup of educational institutions as well as new wings in many schools and colleges. He played a key role in Patna University’s development. He holds the record of longest tenure as a minister during British rule. He served as Minister of Local Self Government in the British Cabinet for 14 long years. State functions are organized every year by state of Bihar on his birth anniversary.
He was born in 1868 in Chhatiyana village, Nalanda district, Bihar.
He completed LLB and started practising as a lawyer. He had association with politics too and has served as a minister in the government of Bihar and Orissa from 1923 to 1937. The states were divided in the year 1936. He was knighted by British in 1928 for his overall contributions for social cause. On the introduction of provincial autonomy in 1937 he returned from his tenure as a minister.He donated a big amount for the development of Patna University in the 1930s. He also gave preference to backward castes than forward people for students’ admission. University awarded him honorary doctorate in 1933.
In the pre-independent era, as an administrator he has given significant contributions to the improvisations of education and health services in the states of Bihar and Orissa. He was also a philanthropist who made generous donations from his earnings and personal property for the setup of educational institutions as well as new wings in many schools and colleges. He played a key role in Patna University’s development. He holds the record of longest tenure as a minister during British rule. He served as Minister of Local Self Government in the British Cabinet for 14 long years. State functions are organized every year by state of Bihar on his birth anniversary.
He was born in 1868 in Chhatiyana village, Nalanda district, Bihar.
He completed LLB and started practising as a lawyer. He had association with politics too and has served as a minister in the government of Bihar and Orissa from 1923 to 1937. The states were divided in the year 1936. He was knighted by British in 1928 for his overall contributions for social cause. On the introduction of provincial autonomy in 1937 he returned from his tenure as a minister.He donated a big amount for the development of Patna University in the 1930s. He also gave preference to backward castes than forward people for students’ admission. University awarded him honorary doctorate in 1933.
Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha, The Statesman Administrator
Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha (popularly known as Sri Babu) was born on 21st October, 1887 in Maur village in Munger. He obtained his early education in his village school and thereafter at Zila School in Munger. It was at Munger that the urge to liberate the motherland from colonial rule entered his blood-stream; and on the bank of the Ganga on which Munger is located, he took a vow to
work for freedom until it was secured. Sri Babu later moved to Patna University and completed his education. He started practising law in 1915, but gave it up in 1921 to take active part in
non-cooperation movement.
Sri Babu gave Bihar sound policies and a responsive administration as its first Chief Minister. Sri Babu belonged to that rare group of statesman-administrators who possessed creative imagination and strong will to achieve welfare of the people through a responsive administrative system.
He had ideas, vision and understanding of the country’s historical, social and religious forces , a unique leader who ably combined statesmanship with genius of governance.
Sri Babu was a forceful speaker. As the echoes of his voice resonated across Bihar, people began calling him Bihar Kesari, an epithet that has come to have natural association with him.
Sri Babu first went to jail in 1922. He underwent different terms of imprisonment for a total of about eight years. Impressed by the courage of Sri Babu, named him ‘the first Satyagrahi of Bihar’. The Indian National Congress too made him the leader of the State Congress of Bihar.
Sri Babu formed Bihar’s first Cabinet at Patna on 20th July, 1937. He resigned in 1939, as did all Congress Premiers of the Provinces over the question of involving India in the Second World
War without the consent of the Indian people. He again formed the Cabinet in 1946. He remained Chief Minister continuously till his death on 31st January, 1961. Sri Babu was a staunch opponent of casteism and always rose in defence of the oppressed, the backward and the minority community.
He will be long remembered for his quest for freedom. It may be recalled that at the Lahore Congress session in 1929, a resolution was passed for full independence (Poorna Swaraj).
The Congress President of the Session and Sri Babu were among the prominent leaders who danced on the dais itself, which had the image of Bharat Mata painted as its background. One could only
imagine the depth of longing for freedom that was in the heart of Sri Babu.
Sri Babu was always interested in self-study and his ideas and speeches were noted for their wisdom. He was a voracious reader and very fond of books. Instead of spending time on idle gossip, he
preferred to read books. He had a personal collection of nearly 20,000 books which are now housed in a campus in Munger.
Paul Hansen Appleby (1891-1963) who visited India in 1952, 1954 and 1956 and submitted two reports on public administration in India to say that Bihar was a well-administered State during Sri Babu’s time.
Sri Babu left an inspiring legacy for civil servants. He believed that a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic polity like ours needed impartial civil servants who prided themselves as being
servants of the Constitution and not of any individual, group but it belongs to people at large.
work for freedom until it was secured. Sri Babu later moved to Patna University and completed his education. He started practising law in 1915, but gave it up in 1921 to take active part in
non-cooperation movement.
He had ideas, vision and understanding of the country’s historical, social and religious forces , a unique leader who ably combined statesmanship with genius of governance.
Sri Babu was a forceful speaker. As the echoes of his voice resonated across Bihar, people began calling him Bihar Kesari, an epithet that has come to have natural association with him.
Sri Babu first went to jail in 1922. He underwent different terms of imprisonment for a total of about eight years. Impressed by the courage of Sri Babu, named him ‘the first Satyagrahi of Bihar’. The Indian National Congress too made him the leader of the State Congress of Bihar.
Sri Babu formed Bihar’s first Cabinet at Patna on 20th July, 1937. He resigned in 1939, as did all Congress Premiers of the Provinces over the question of involving India in the Second World
War without the consent of the Indian people. He again formed the Cabinet in 1946. He remained Chief Minister continuously till his death on 31st January, 1961. Sri Babu was a staunch opponent of casteism and always rose in defence of the oppressed, the backward and the minority community.
He will be long remembered for his quest for freedom. It may be recalled that at the Lahore Congress session in 1929, a resolution was passed for full independence (Poorna Swaraj).
The Congress President of the Session and Sri Babu were among the prominent leaders who danced on the dais itself, which had the image of Bharat Mata painted as its background. One could only
imagine the depth of longing for freedom that was in the heart of Sri Babu.
Sri Babu was always interested in self-study and his ideas and speeches were noted for their wisdom. He was a voracious reader and very fond of books. Instead of spending time on idle gossip, he
preferred to read books. He had a personal collection of nearly 20,000 books which are now housed in a campus in Munger.
Paul Hansen Appleby (1891-1963) who visited India in 1952, 1954 and 1956 and submitted two reports on public administration in India to say that Bihar was a well-administered State during Sri Babu’s time.
Sri Babu left an inspiring legacy for civil servants. He believed that a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic polity like ours needed impartial civil servants who prided themselves as being
servants of the Constitution and not of any individual, group but it belongs to people at large.
Bihar Kesari Dr. Sri Krishna Singh first Chief Minister of Bihar
‘Bihar Kesari’ Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha was born on 21st October, 1887 in his maternal grandfather’s house,
Khanwa in Nawada District , Bihar. His paternal village is Maur, near Barbigha in the then Munger District that is now part of Sheikhpura District. He got his early education in his village school, and later in Zila School, Munger. In 1906 he joined Patna College, which was then an affiliate of the University of Calcutta, where he gradually emerged as promising student leader. He studied law and started practicing in Munger from 1915. In the meantime, he married and had two sons, Shivshankar Singh and Bandishankar Singh (more commonly known as Swaraj Babu) who later held various posts in the state government . At Munger, he avowed to work relentlessly to free India from the English. He left practising law in 1921 to take active part in Mahtma Gandhi’s non co-operation movement . As the echoes of his voice spread around Bihar, people began calling him ‘Bihar Kesari’. Sri Krishna Babu first went to Jail in 1922. He underwent different terms of imprisonment for a total of about eight years. In 1930, Sri Babu played an important role in ‘Namak Satyagrah’ at Garhppura. During arrest he suffered severe scalding injuries to his hands and chest. Under the Act of 1935, Sri Babu formed his Cabinet Patna on 20th July, 1937. He disagreed with the Governor on the issue of the realease of political prisoners and resigned. The Governor had to give in finally and Sri Krishna Babu resumed his office. But he again resigned in 1939 over the question of involving India in the Second World War without the consent of the Indian people. Impressed by this courage of Dr. Sinha, Mahatma Gandhi in 1940 awarded him the distinctive of being called ‘ the first Satyagrahi of Bihar. As the Chief Minister, Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha served Bihar continuously from 1946 to 1961. He was always interested in self study and his ideas and speeches were noted for their wisdom. He was a staunch opponent of castes ism and always rose in defence of the oppressed, the backward and the Harijans. He was also considered as among “Architects of Modern Bihar”. He passed away on 31st January, 1961.
Sir Ganesh Dutt Singh
Sir Ganesh Dutt Singh was born to a Bhumihar Brahmin family in Chhatiyana village, Nalanda district, Bihar state.
He was a successful lawyer, and later a minister in the government of Bihar and Orissa from 1923 to 1937, the longest tenure for any minister anywhere in the British Empire.
Dutt was the Minister of Local Self Government in the British Cabinet from 1923 till 1937 when the Provincial Government was established.
While he was the Minister of Local Self Government, Dutt was made Knight Bachelor by the British for his contributions to the public good. State functions are organised by the Government of Bihar on the anniversary of Dutt's birth on 13 January every year
Literature on Sir Ganesh Dutt Singh
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