Freedom Fighter - Pandit Sheel Bhadra Yajee

Pandit Sheel Bhadra Yajee was born on 22nd March, 1906 at Bhaktiyarpur village in Patna district of Bihar. The only child of Pandit Shivtahal Yajee and Smt. Reshma Yajee. Sheel Bhadra was deprived of motherly love at the tender age of ten years when his mother passed away. The child Sheel Bhadra was brought up by Smt. Parvati, wife of his cousin Shri Kamal Yajee. 

During his student life in Bhaktiyarpur Yajeeji's day used to begin very early as he had to work in the fields before attending the school. After completing his school education he went for higher studies to Bihar National College in Patna, 30 miles away from his village. It was during his student days he came under the spell of the Congress and took to wearing Khadi. Gradually he became an active student leader, worthy of their family tradition. He never missed any chance of participating in the sessions of all India Youth Congress. He took active part in Bharat Navajawan Sabha held at Karachi, presided over by Subhas Chandra Bose in 1931. 

During the 1930-32 Mass Satyagraha Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. Shri yajee was the director of Congress organization of Patna District. In February 1934, a devastating earthquake struck Champaran, Saran, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Patna, Bhagalpur, Shabbad and Gaya Districts of Bihar. 

At the time of the earthquake, there were nearly 5000 Freedom Fighters under the lock-up in the Patna Camp Jail which crumbled into pieces. Hence, the Government unconditionally released all the prisoners from this Jail. Shri Yajee was also among the prisoners in the Patna Camp Jail. 

Yajee was the chosen lieutenant of the nation's accredited Kisan leader, the Late Swami Sahajanand Saraswati, who fought the combined exploitation of the British and the Zamindari systems. Yajeeji became a member of Bihar Legislative Assembly in 1937. In March 1940, a massive demonstration was held at Ramgarh in Bihar by the Forward Bloc and Kisan Sabha just opposite the Congress pandal. Called as the All India Anti Compromise Conference it rallied even bigger crowds than the Annual Congress Session. 

The Anti-Compromise conference was attended by 21,000 delegates from all over country and two lakh people participated. Shri Yajee was the chief organiser of this Anti-Compromise Conference. 

Just after his release from the Hazaribagh Central Jail in March,1942, a warrant of arrest was issued against him but he remained underground in 1942 and 1943. He was declared absconder and a reward of rupees twenty five thousand was announced to arrest him dead or alive. He became member of the AICC in 1942. 

He was vice President of the All India Forward Bloc but in the absence of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose he was appointed president of the All India Forward Bloc to conduct the Quit India Movement in India in 1942. 

When in 1955, the Indian National Congress adopted Socialism at Awadi, and then at the invitation of Jawaharlal Nehru, he and the INA leader General Mohan Singh joined the Indian National Congress. 

From 1955 to 1976 Yajeeji became the Congress Regional secretary of the North-East Zone. He was a member of the Rajya Sabha from 27-4-1957 to 2-4-1958, 3-4.1958 to 2-4-1964 and 3-4-1966 to 2-4-1972.